середу, 25 березня 2020 р.

2 Form PACE WORK 26/03/2020

Form PACE WORK 26/03/2020

Тема: Дозвілля у парку
 Фонетична зарядка.
Today we are going to continue practice the sound [b]
Listen and repeat:
Послухай і повтори вимову слів:
Read (прочитай)
Ruby Rugby's brother bought and brought her
back some rubber baby-buggy bumpers.
Повторення слів :
Park - парк
Tree дерево
Grass - трава
Run  бігати
skip -  стрибати
rest  -  відпочивати
leaves - листя
fun - веселощі
ride a bike їздити на велосипеді

Answer the question:( (дайте відповіді)
- Do you like going to the park?
- What do you usually do there?
- Whom do you like to go with?

 Read the text try to understand it.

At the Park.

I like going to the park. There is a beautiful park near my house. I often go to the park with my friends.  I take my dog Rex with us. There are many beautiful trees with green leaves in the park. The land is covered with green grass. It is very nice to  rest at the park. You can jump there. You can ride your bike at the park. You can run and skip. I like having fun at the park.

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