вівторок, 24 березня 2020 р.

2 FORM PACE WORK 25.03.2020

2  FORM PACE WORK 25.03.2020

Тема: Рослини і тварини луків.
In this lesson we will learn  about different plants and animals that live in the field..
 Фонетична зарядка.
 Teacher: Today we are going to practice the sound [g]
Read: Grey geese in a green grazing.
Review the words:
(sky, star, cloud, sun, shine, day, night, earth, see, moon, heavenly bodies, far away, close, hide

  2. Teacher: Answer my questions:
What Heavenly bodies do you know?
- What shines during the day?
- What does the sun give us?
- What shines at night?

While-reading activity
3. Read the text and circle the “The Moon” try to understand it.
The Moon.
The Moon is like a big ball. The Sun’s light shines on the Moon. The Moon looks like it is shining at night. The Sun makes the Moon shine. The Sun shines on part of the Moon. It looks like the Moon is many shapes. The shape can look like a round ball. The shape can look like a big part of a ball. The shape can look like a little part of a ball. Seeing part of Moon is pretty. The shape of the Moon is the part we can see.

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