середу, 29 квітня 2020 р.

2 Form Pace Work 30/04/20

PACE WORK 30.04.2020

Тема: Друзі. Відносини між однокласниками
In this lesson we will speak about friends, friendship and good relations between classmates.

Фонетична зарядка.
 Teacher: Today we are going to practice the sound [g]

Read:  gay  gray  grey  get  got  garb  green  grass
Review the words: Повтори слова:
Form - клас
Friendly- дружній
 Classmate- однокласник (класмейт)
 Help- допомагати
 Respect- повага (ріспект)
each other-один одного
My friend.
I am a pupil. I am a pupil of the second form. There are thirty pupils in my class. All of them are my classmates. Our class is very friendly. We all are friends. We always help each other. All pupils in our class respect each other. My best friend is Arsen. He is my classmate too. Arsen is very kind, he is a good boy. We respect each other. We always help each other.

Finish the sentences.
I am a...
I am a pupil of the second …
There are thirty pupils in…..
All of them are my ….
 Our class is very …
We always help each …
 My friend is…
Who is your friend?

вівторок, 28 квітня 2020 р.

2 Form Pace Work 29/04/20

 PACE WORK 29.04.2020

Тема: Пори року.

In this lesson we will learn about seasons.

Фонетична зарядка.
 Today we are going to practice the sound [r]

Read: reed  read  red  rose  rim  rock  rore

Review the words:
Season- пора року
 autumn, fall-осінь
Read: Прочитай :
God made seasons on day four. There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Four seasons have different weather. Spring is a warm season. All plants become green. Summer is very hot. Autumn is a rainy season . Winter is a cold season. There is much snow in winter. All seasons are good.

Fill in the gaps. Закінчи речення.
God made seasons on day …
There are four seasons in a …
They are spring, summer, autumn and …
 Spring is a … season.
Summer is very ….
 Autumn is a … season with lots of rains.
Winter is a … season.
There is much snow in ….
 All seasons are ….

2 Form 29/04/20

Theme.  Amusement park.  (Парк розваг)
                              Listen and sing! Послухай та поспівай!

2.      Повтори словосполучення:

Ride a roller coaster – кататися на американських горках
Ride a horse – кататися верхи 
Win a prize –  виграти приз
Buy chips – купити чіпси
Drink lemonade – пити лимонад
Throw a ball – кидати мяч
Eat a burger -  їсти бургер

3.      Pupil’s Book ex.1 p. 77: Listen and imagine. Then draw your picture.
Послухай та пофантазуй. Потім намалюй!

4.       Pupils Book ex.2 p. 77 Склади маленьку розповідь на основі свого малюнка. Запиши аудіо файл та вишли на viber

понеділок, 27 квітня 2020 р.

2 Form Pace Work 28/04/20

 PACE WORK 28.04.20
Тема: Вживання звука  [і] у закритому складі

Today we are going to speak about sound [i] in closed syllable.



неділю, 26 квітня 2020 р.

2 Form Pace Work 27/04/20

PACE WORK 27.04.20
Тема: Зворотній рахунок від 30 до 20

Today we will continue practicing math and counting backwords.
 Let’s count from 30

30, 29,  28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20…(сеті, твенті -найн,  )
Read:  Читай:  
30-13=                30-19=                       
20+4=                25+3=
20+10=                20-4=
30-2=                  13+17=
20-12=                20-8=
Example Зразок: Thirty mines thirteen are seven.  (СЕТІ МАЙНЕС СЕТІН А СЕВЕН)

Say what number is between. Скажи,яке число в середині
13 and 55; 12 and 14; 11 and 13; 17 and 19; 15 and 17

Зразок: For example: 17 is between 16 and 18

And now let’s sing a song. Співаймо!


2 Form 27/04/2020


Theme.  Amusement park.  (Парк розваг)

1.Look at the picture and remember the words:

2.Watch and repeat

3.Pupil’s Book
Ex.1 p.76 – Look at the picture. Read and say "yes" or "no"(Розглянь картинку.Прочитай та скажи "так" чи "ні" ).

четвер, 23 квітня 2020 р.

2 Form Pace Work 24/04/2020

2 Form pace work 24.04.2020

Theme: Words with Xx.

1.Phonetic Drill: Фонетична зарядка
Listen and repeat: Послухай,повтори:

2. Fill in have or has : Впиши have or has:
Памятай  I  you  they  we -have,  he  she  it - has

I  ______got a fox.
Eric _______got a xylophone.
Sasha _______got a box.
We ____ seen a fox at the zoo.
He _____done an X-ray.* ключ внизу

Underline the words with letter Xx.
Підкресли слова з літерою Хх.

3. Watch and learn. Подивись та повчись!

I  have got a fox.
Eric has got a xylophone.
Sasha has got a box.
We have seen a fox at the zoo.
He has done an X-ray.

2 Form 24/04/2020

Theme: A story. Bad apples
Pupil’s Book p.74
Exercise 1 p 74 Follow the link, listen and read (послухай та прочитай)
Exercise 2 p 75 Read and say (прочитай та скажи чиї це слова)
Exercise 4 p 75 Listen and say( послухай та повтори)

Pace Work 23/04/2020

2 FORM PACE WORK 23.04.2020

Тема: Мої досягнення.

1Фонетична зарядка.
Listen and repeat. Послухай і повтори.

2.Read: Почитай:
 Map  sap  rap  tap  pan  pat 
Pen   pet  peg  pest 
Ape  tape  gape  pay  page  pane  paste
3.Review the words: Повтори слова:
Week- тиждень  (вік)
Ukrainian- українська мова (юкрейніен)
Clever-розумний (клеве)
Kind- добрий(кайнд)
Always- завжди (олвейз)
4. Read the text. Прочитай текст та переклади.

At school
I like my school. It is big. I go to school five days a week. I have two programs here: English and Ukrainian. My lessons begin at eight o’clock. I study Ukrainian, Maths, English, Science, Social Studies and Word Building. But I like English and Math. All teachers in my school are clever and kind. I always do my homework. I like studying.

 7. Finish the sentences. Закінчи речення.
I like my …
It is big and …
 I go to school …
My lessons begin at …
All teachers are ….
I always do my ….

6. Listen and repeat and sing.

3 D 15.10.20

 Theme: When is Your Birthday? 1. Review the ordinal numbers: 2. Listen, fill in and read. ex.1p.19 3. Ex.2 p.19 -Copy in the copybooks. Hom...